to Nauders am Reschenpass
Whether by car, train, bus or plane - here you will find all the travel information on how to get to Nauders easily.
There are a few important things to keep in mind:
- In Austria there is a motorway toll. If you are caught without a valid vignette, you have to pay high fines. The vignettes are available at kiosks and petrol stations. They are valid for 10 days, 2 months or the whole year.
- The vignette is also compulsory in the Landeckertunnel (bypass possible).
- In Austria, winter tyres are compulsory from 1 November to 15 April, and you need appropriate equipment, including snow chains depending on the weather.
- In Austria, high-visibility waistcoats are also compulsory - for every passenger who leaves the car in the event of a breakdown or accident.
Arrival by car
No matter from which direction you come: Tyrol is easily accessible by car on many routes. Consult the route planner, buy the vignette and off you go.
This is how you travel by car:
- Kempten-Reutte-Fernpass-Imst-Landeck-Nauders
- Lindau/Feldkirch-Arlberg Tunnel-Landeck-Nauders
- Wien-Linz-Salzburg-Innsbruck-Landeck-Nauders
- München-Rosenheim-Kufstein-Kramsach-Innsbruck- Landeck-Nauders
- Bozen-Meran-Reschenpass-Nauders

Arrival by train
Come to Tyrol relaxed without traffic jams and stress. Countless rail connections from many European cities make for a relaxed journey.
This is how you travel by train:
Simply arrive better - by train to Tyrol/Austria.
With 33 direct connections daily and countless easy transfer connections, the most beautiful winter destinations in Tyrol are really easy to reach from many places in Germany. Often faster than by car. The train takes you to your destination safely and in a relaxed manner. From as little as 39 euros! Your own children under 15 travel free of charge (entry on the ticket required).
Your destination station is Landeck-Zams. From there you can get to Nauders am Reschenpass by post bus or taxi.

Arrival by plane
Plan your journey to Tyrol by plane: Innsbruck Airport is served several times a day by European airlines.
This is how you travel by plane:
- Airport Innsbruck - 120 km
- Airport Munich - 230 km
- Airport Zurich - 255 km